Attract and retain mental health professionals throughout the region.

For Students or Prospective Employees

List of Local Behavioral Health-Related Careers

Local Employers Page

Behavioral Health Provider Pipeline Graphic

BH Pipeline Graphic

In 2019, PBHA stakeholders identified key professions and the needed education levels that the Texas Panhandle is lacking that would help alleviate access to care issues for our communities.

Mental Health Technician Certification at Amarillo College

Mental Health Tech

Based on feedback from local employers and stakeholders, to help increase the behavioral health workforce in the area, PBHA collaborated with Amarillo College, Panhandle AHEC, NWTHS Behavioral Health, Oceans Healthcare, and Panhandle Regional Planning Commission to develop and offer a new 6-week Mental Health Technician (MHT) certification program at Amarillo College.

Behavioral Health Careers Presentation

If you are interested in either attending a presentation or presenting your organization, please contact us.

Past speakers: Texas Panhandle Centers; The Pavilion; Cenikor Foundation; Potter County District Attorney’s Office

Past topics: Addiction; Forensic Mental Health; Child/Adolescent Behavioral Health

For Employers

2020 Behavioral Health Employee Retention Factors in the Texas Panhandle 

BH Employee Retention Factors Report

PBHA distributed an anonymous online survey to employees in behavioral health professions (including mental health and addiction) to identify and gain a better understanding of what factors influence employee retention with their behavioral health employer, as well as to address behavioral health professional and clinician shortages in our region. The survey gathered feedback from both clinicians and non-clinicians in the behavioral health sector regarding mental well-being at work, career development, workplace culture and environment, job retention and other.

2020 Strategies to Address Behavioral Health Provider Shortages

Welcome Slides — Speaker Bios — Provider Info About Services

Morning Session:
Integrating Behavioral Health into the Primary Care Setting (presentation slides)

Afternoon Session:
Tools & Incentive Programs for Recruitment & Retention of Behavioral Health Providers (presentation slides & handouts)
Dispelling Myths of Working In the Mental Health Field and Tips to Increase Recruitment & Retention

Unfortunately, the event recording is not available due to technical difficulties.

Take Root in Amarillo

Click here if you want to highlight a job in the live job board. Take Root in Amarillo is a community website and employer resource that gives businesses, job seekers, students, and individuals looking to learn more about city life in Amarillo.

Recruitment and Retention Toolkit

The toolkit includes nine chapters to sharpen skills in identification, selection and retention of staff to build a better workforce.

Compassion Fatigue Resources

Presentation slidesCompassion Fatigue ResourcesProQOL ScreeningCE-CERT handout